Write to Database


This function will write a value into the database in a field specified by the PROPERTY.
Function URL: www.leobiot.com/act.aspx?cli=[CLIENT IOT KEY]&pri=[PROJECT IOT KEY]&act=3&param=[ENTRY DETAIL]&prop=[PROPERTY NAME]

Read from Database


This function will return the current time in UTC Unixstamp format.
Function URL: www.leobiot.com/act.aspx?cli=[CLIENT IOT KEY]&pri=[PROJECT IOT KEY]&act=4&param=-&prop=[PROPERTY NAME]

Append To Database


This function will keep the value of the PROPERTY and append the additional value to the end of the current value.
Function URL: www.leobiot.com/act.aspx?cli=[CLIENT IOT KEY]&pri=[PROJECT IOT KEY]&act=5&param=[ENTRY DETAIL]&prop=[PROPERTY NAME]

Coming Soon


Function URL: www.leobiot.com/act.aspx?cli=[CLIENT IOT KEY]&pri=[PROJECT IOT KEY]&act=7

SMS To Phone


This function allows you to send an SMS to a phone number. You need to supply the Phone and Messge parameters
Function URL: www.leobiot.com/act.aspx?cli=[CLIENT IOT KEY]&pri=[PROJECT IOT KEY]&act=6&param=Phone=+xxxzzzyyyy^Message=Hello World

Get List of Functions

General Functions

This funcation will return a list of all possible functions provided by LeobIOT.
Function URL: www.leobiot.com/act.aspx?cli=[CLIENT IOT KEY]&pri=[PROJECT IOT KEY]&act=0

Get UTC DateTime As String


This function will return the current time in UTC String format
Function URL: www.leobiot.com/act.aspx?cli=[CLIENT IOT KEY]&pri=[PROJECT IOT KEY]&act=1

Contact Us

Get in touch with us

15 Gerdine Street,
Port Elizabeth,
Eastern Cape,
South Africa,

Telephone : +27 82 776 7668

FAX : +27 86 518 8874

Email : info@leobiot.com
